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Excel Chart Skills 501
Introduction and Course Overview
Module 1: Advanced Labelling
Technique 1.1: Multiple level category labels
Video 1.1.1: Multiple level categories on a small multiples line graph (3:20)
Video 1.1.2: Multiple level categories on a column chart (3:44)
Technique 1.2: Replace category labels with data labels
Video 1.2.1: Replace all category labels in a bar chart with data labels (8:40)
Video 1.2.2: Emphasize one category label in a column chart by using data labels (4:21)
Technique 1.3: Replace legends with data series name data labels
Video 1.3.1: Direct labels on line graphs (5:06)
Video 1.3.2 Direct labels on line graphs with data labels (5:43)
Video 1.3.3: Direct labels on line segments (4:05)
Video 1.3.4: Labels for segments in stacked column or bar charts (4:39)
Video 1.3.5: Filled color data labels (4:01)
Technique 1.4: Replace legend with color in chart title (1:36)
Technique 1.5: Combine data series name and value in a data label (2:37)
Technique 1.6: Add data labels that use values from other cells
Video 1.6.1: Adding explanatory text beside bars (4:33)
Video 1.6.2: Add a second set of values beside bars (3:51)
Video 1.6.3: Adding labels to scaled bars (3:01)
Video 1.6.4: Adding values outside a segment in a stacked column chart (3:04)
Video 1.6.5: Adding values where you want them to be on a column chart (3:16)
Video 1.6.6: Adding the value of a donut chart segment in the middle of the donut (5:54)
Technique 1.7: Use other fonts to create symbols
Video 1.7.1 Indicator symbols (3:23)
Video 1.7.2 Indicator symbols and values (8:23)
Technique 1.8: Using Number Formats
Video 1.8.1 Using direction indicator symbols (5:01)
Video 1.8.2 Increase/Decrease indicators in waterfall graphs (5:03)
Video 1.8.3 Symbols or text as part of data labels from other cells (4:40)
Technique 1.10: Creating multiple axes
Video 1.10.1 Using gridlines (18:28)
Video 1.10.2 Using other graph types (24:29)
Technique 1.11: Conditional fill color (2:16)
Technique 1.12: Calling out values on a line
Video 1.12.1 Calling out the Maximum and Minimum values on a line (8:01)
Video 1.12.2 Calling out specific values on a time-based line (8:21)
Video 1.13: Demonstrating labeling techniques with real-world graphs (73:19)
Module 2: Invisible elements
Technique 2.1: Using invisible elements to position visible elements
Video 2.1.1: Creating a Waterfall graph (5:40)
Video 2.1.2: Creating a Steps to a Total graph (5:16)
Video 2.1.3: Creating Small Multiple Column graphs with even spacing (10:24)
Video 2.1.4: Creating Small Multiple Column graphs with uneven spacing (10:52)
Video 2.1.5: Creating Small Multiple Bar graphs with even spacing (8:04)
Video 2.1.6: Creating Small Multiple Bar graphs with uneven spacing (13:37)
Video 2.1.7: Creating a Panel of line graphs (2:54)
Video 2.1.8: Creating a Diverging Bar chart with positive labels (5:55)
Video 2.1.9: Creating a column or bar breakdown graph (7:04)
Video 2.1.10: Shading the area between lines (8:15)
Video 2.1.11: Adding a dashed line to a bar graph (5:54)
Technique 2.2: Using invisible elements to set the scale
Video 2.2.1: Setting the scales in a dual-axis graph (3:45)
Video 2.2.2: Setting the scale in Conditional Formatting Data Bar graphs (5:47)
Technique 2.3: Using formulas to make data points invisible (5:51)
Module 3: Combination/Multiple charts
Technique 3.1: Combining graph types
Video 3.1.1: A dashed line on one or all columns (9:01)
Video 3.1.2: A dashed line on bars (5:54)
Video 3.1.3: Connecting Segments of a Waterfall graph with lines (5:57)
Video 3.1.4: Adding a column of numbers to a bar chart (3:51)
Video 3.1.5: Adding a row of numbers to a column chart (5:42)
Video 3.1.6: Adding a range of values to a column chart (8:45)
Video 3.1.7: Adding change range and % to a line chart (9:10)
Video 3.1.8 Shading alternating sections of a graph (4:40)
Technique 3.2: Multiple graphs of the same type in one graph
Video 3.2.1: A step line graph (5:53)
Video 3.2.2: Actual and projected lines (4:46)
Video 3.2.3: Multiple-width overlapping column graph (3:45)
Video 3.2.4: Current date or Breakeven line on a line graph (9:26)
Technique 3.3: Multiple graphs created with a single graph
Video 3.3.1: Create multiple column or bar graphs (42:57)
Video 3.3.2: Create multiple line graphs (2:54)
Video 3.3.3: Create a breakdown column or bar graph (7:04)
Module 4: Multiple data series
Technique 4.1: Increase and decrease segments in a waterfall graph (5:40)
Technique 4.2: Negative, Neutral, and Positive values in a column graph (4:06)
Technique 4.3: Data series names as symbols (8:23)
Technique 4.4: Format data labels based on meaning (14:44)
Technique 4.5: Calling out the Maximum and Minimum values on a line (8:23)
Technique 4.6: Template for 100% waffle visuals (4:22)
Technique 4.7: Conditional formatting based on values (14:55)
Module 5: Using the Techniques to create effective graphs
Video 5.1 Multiple-Width Overlapping Column Graph (MWOCG) (16:05)
Video 5.2 Index line graph to compare trends in data series measured in different units (12:56)
Video 5.3 Excel Conditional Formatting Data Bars (9:14)
Video 5.4 Torn-paper effect for non-zero baselines (5:41)
Video 5.5 Scaling data for multiple columns or bars (11:30)
Video 5.6 Showing component and total variance to budget (3:15)
Video 5.7 Show Assets or Liabilities and YoY change from the Balance Sheet (4:31)
Video 5.8 Show how revenue less expenses results in net income from the P&L Statement (5:23)
Video 5.9 Show a budget and variance walk of expense categories from the Income/P&L (12:43)
Video 5.10 Compare values to a common goal (4:07)
Video 5.11 One value compared to two standards including explanatory text on an invisible line (35:00)
Video 5.12 Adding explanations to regular or diverging bar charts (17:45)
Video 5.13 Splitting stacked column or bar charts into one chart that looks like multiple charts (23:02)
Video 5.14 Showing percentage change at the end of bars using two methods (15:23)
Video 5.15: Diverging bars with space in the middle of the bars (11:25)
Video 5.16: Using markers on an invisible line to compare each column to its own standard (15:31)
Module 6: Re-using Excel charts and Using Excel charts in PowerPoint
Video 6.1: Re-using charts on other worksheets (6:12)
Video 6.2: Using Excel charts in PowerPoint (32:51)
Video 6.3: Animating charts in PowerPoint (17:04)
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Video 2.1.3: Creating Small Multiple Column graphs with even spacing
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