
Part of taking your online presentation to the next level is leveraging techniques that will engage the audience. Online audiences have many more distractions available to them. If you don’t work to engage them, you will lose them to their email, browser, or messaging.

In this section you will learn how to implement some of the techniques you saw in the live session, such as using polls, bringing in other content such as spreadsheets, documents, and websites. I will offer suggestions for how to use the chat function effectively during the meeting.

Increasingly we will have meeting invitees who will attend when it is convenient for them after the time we met online. Instead of just providing the usual PowerPoint file, I will show you how to create a short executive summary video that you can provide to those who could not attend. Someone may not take the time to go through your slides, but they will be more likely to watch a short 2-3 minute video that gives them the key insights they need to know.

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